Friday, March 25, 2011

How to start an enjoyable running season

I know it is tempting just lace on those running sneakers and go out for your first run, but if you have not been keeping up with your running during the winter months that may not be the wisest thing to do. Here a few simple things are you can do to prepare for an injury free and enjoyable running season.

If you have a treadmill at home warm up by walking or jogging slowly for 5 minutes. If you do not have a treadmill at home march then jog in place for 5 minutes. Follow that with 5 minutes dynamic flexibility and you should be ready to go;
• High Knees : 10 each leg
• Buttkickers: 10 each leg
• Arm Circles: 10 each way
• Forward Backbends: 5 each
• Body Squats: 5 each
• Alternating Lunges: 5 each leg
you should now feel limbered up and ready to go. New research has show that the type of warm up you have just completed will help you feel much more energetic and prepared for your run. After you have completed your run is the time for your basic static runner's stretches.

Also remember to run a little slower and less distance than you would in peak season.

For more information click here: LINK

Keeping you healthy,

Carlos P.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January! Let's go!

What a great time to begin an exercise program. I start my year off by committing to 3 hours of aerobic exercise per week or 12 hours per month. If I get behind in any week I allow myself to make up the time as long as I do the 12 hours. I use to log in my aerobic exercise and seeing the time build up really motivates me to keep going. I keep this going pretty well until June/July when I get outdoors more often to hike, play tennis and tend to the yard.

Three hours may be too aggressive for some, but try starting with 90 minutes per week and work your way up to at least 150 minutes.

Good luck and stay fit.

Carlos P.